Benjamin is awesome :D
Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 12:39 PM:
see ya later, bub.

RP3 project was handed in yesterday, and it was disappointingly unsatisfying. now there's IMR to worry about, project and presentation. HAha. this will probably never end!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 @ 10:04 PM: :D
thankew! :D
I'm talking to you silent readers! but I wouldn't know if there ARE any silent readers, because silent readers don't tag do they? but if they did, they wouldn't be silent readers huh! so what about, after you read this, say hi to me on MSN or something! I promise I'd maintain your anonymity. :) I'm really nice!

hahaaa, nonsense siolz. ignore that.

project deadlines are coming! stress stress. but, we'd be project free by August, thank God! and then, gonna find out where the people upstairs have placed me for SIP. but I know wherever I'll be, He has use for me there. in that I stand assured! :D same for school and all ba. though it's hard. hurhur. I rant. anyway, take care people! viruses in the air.

Saturday, July 4, 2009 @ 12:21 PM:
I'm listening to The Fray. their music, super addictive yo! even if I can't really catch the lyrics. :x

yesterday, had the 3rd quarter corporate prayer meet. was super looking forward to it, since the 2nd quarter corporate prayer meet LOL. was ushering for the event, and thank God I was ushering for the front block of seats, much easier haha! then during praise and worship, saw this little kid, like 5 years old maximum, praising with more zeal than some of us. haha! when did we lose that excitement for God? wanna get it back. and to have thousands of people from different congregations, different walks of life, gathering to pray in one spirit, one voice... priceless! I'll be serving later again today, for tertiary service. everything'll be awesome!

Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 1:32 AM: blog!

for those who don't know yet, I changed my mobile number, here it is!: 96488868

yeah, so Chan's life has been super de uneventful and un-happening.
it's that time of the semester when everybody's life is only allowed to revolve around projects and deadlines and assignments (last-minute, I might add). LOADS OF FUN. hurhur.

amidst all that, I set aside some time on Thursday night to provide my wonderful nerdy voice for voice-acting, for the MM clip shown this past Saturday during service. first time doing anything like that, and it was harder than I'd thought! hard to get the emotion right, and even though I was reading from a script, I stumbled over my words and stuff. and since we couldn't find a quiet place to do the recording, we did it in this dusty storeroom behind the MM room. it was really hidden, but no medkits, pain pills, pipebombs or molotovs. just a lot of boxes and a lot of dust. but it was a really cool experience! thank God for all involved, who had to put up with me some!

oh, and the night before that, I visited the GV chalet. lots of wonderful people. I don't think I would even have considered going if it wasn't at Costa Sands! :x games, forfeits, some drinks, forfeits, no time for bed, forfeits. so, I've had more mouth-to-mouth contact with males than females in recent memory. disgusting. but everything aside from that was rather enjoyable LOL.

can't wait for tomorrow later, when we all get back to the daily grind. :) << fake smile HAHA

Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 11:32 AM:

okay, you know what? I'm going right this instant.

Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 10:48 PM: Jesus may You receive the honour that You're due
ARGH, die die also must blog! LOL. just a little update.

so TPG2 has undergone restructuring. ]: goodbye, Ben and David! you will both be sorely missed. but you'll get to watch by the sidelines as G2 experiences even more God-given growth and blessings! :D jiayou, where you'll be! I believe God can use you 们 even even more in Lemmuel's group, which I'll call Gx for now, because I don't know which division Lemmuel's group is. HAHA. but anyway, restructuring makes room for even more growth, thank God! great things are in store for TPG. [: fasting, praying, working, seeing, testifying.

still working, still miserable LOL. but watched some movies, finally. State Of Play is really good, if you're one to appreciate thrillers. watched it myself after work. [: used to think watching movies alone is one of the saddest things one could possibly do, but it really isn't all that bad. if anything, I got more of a kick out of it, LOL!
the next day, the CG watched The Taking Of Pelham 1 2 3 (I have no idea why there should be spaces between 1 and 2, and 2 and 3 in the name of the movie, but what the hey). rubbishy film, haha. but I really liked the acting of the two leads, John Travolta as the terrorist dude is hilarious!
then people started to disappear gradually, and in the end it was Mark and I on a man-date (YES YES YES I SAID IT! :D:D:D) and we watched Drag Me To Hell. it was hilarious, too bad I'm not a fan of horror. ><>

oh, and my SIM card blacked out on me. it just suddenly stopped working, and the "SingTel" was replaced by "Invalid SIM", wtshit HAHA. but it's quite... liberating? LOL. always wanted to experience life for a while without a phone, no calls, no texts to bug me. but I'm becoming unreachable, and I don't want that! ><>

so yesterday, we L4D-ed again and somewhere amidst the zombie-killing, I left my ez-link card with the others. so gotta experience life without an ez-link card too. double sighh.

Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 2:22 AM: higher than any other name
Lord I lift Your name up high, higher
higher than all things upon the Earth
and Lord I lift Your name up high, higher
higher than all else

ESS has come and gone! though I didn't have my personal convert again, I think the experience of being on stage for the first time was MAJOR stretching for me! haha! scary man, I tell you. and wasn't experienced in handling a mic, and well yeah. grateful to everyone who shared their feedback and encouragements, etc! thank you! though I still can't differentiate the sarcasm from the sincere comments, laugh out loud out loud out loud out loud. and Meihwa said she received positive feedback from others regarding the drama, so I guess it was a success! ^^ 

it's Sunday, and I've nothing planned. want to stay home, plan schedule for my shepherd, etc. thank God for a day off! 

to begin...
Your kindness leads me to repentance
Your goodness draws me to Your side
Your mercy caused me to be like You
Your favour is my delight

he who must not be maimed

Child of God
lovin' life

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.


where to, my man?
ex-stomping grounds
Singapore Social Network Updates

to whom credit be due
.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.